Year 7, Day 133

Turns out, I know how to sell an X-34 landspeeder just fine. The thing was off the market quickly, and I made a tidy profit, even after turning over my share to the CA.

Of course now there's a whole new Sarlacc pit opened up: the Galactic Market has upgraded their network, vastly increasing the availability of goods. Sure, that sounds nice, but it has also caused a dramatic price drop across the board. Anybody who had anything in inventory when the network went online is almost guaranteed a loss.

Including me! I have a squadron of hyper-capable Cloakshape fighters that I've been trying to consolidate in a single location, so I can give them the "new paint job & sell high" treatment. Now, I'll be lucky to break even, even if I give them the hottest design in the Galaxy, and offer free shipping. I should have had these ships done and sold weeks—even months ago! But I got burned by my transporter. Burned bad, it turns out.

On the up-side, the Corporate Alliance has orders flying in, asking us to construct Commerce Centers all over the place. People want access to the Galactic Market's network, and we can give it to them. So maybe I'm not doing great, but the team is.

And that's good enough for me.

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