Year 6, Day 324
Hyperspace (Glythe Sector)

Stang! I've really been on the move since the moment I got behind the controls of the Nazran. President Stalwart and Director Jansen have kept me busy with Transport duties for nigh-on a month, especially now that I'm back in the Glythe sector.

There've been lots of quick jumps shuffling around Corporate Alliance, Commerge Guild, and Trade Federation ships. Right now I'm steering the biggest tub yet, the TFL Delivery, a 90-metre Gallofree Medium Transport. Big as it is, it's a damn sight quicker than that AA-9 I got saddled with earlier! Verre d'n Nocka, I'm glad I didn't have to jump that old nerf cross-sector!

It's good news all around. I just got a holomail notice that my second stock sale has been processed in the Galactic Market! It's small beans compared to the kind of sales I hope to make in the future, but profit is profit.

Uh-oh.... the navicomputer is telling me there's an anomolous gravity footprint ahead. That's never good when you're travelling in hyper! Back to the controls. Signing off!

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