Year 8, Day 189
Valrar, Glythe sector

As expected, the test proved to be of limited effectiveness in gauging people's effectiveness in contributing to the success of the Confederacy. I'm not sure what they hope to find with these intermittant pollings of attitudes & aptitudes. But I have a weird suspicioun about the guy administering the test. He was wearing robes, but not the kind you normally see on Trade Federation bigwigs. Hrm...

I've returned to the Techno Union's home system of Valrar, and I'm moving around some building materials for a big satellite construction job. Not very exciting, but it's nice to be doing some dirty work again.

Also, I've picked up a co-pilot. A couple of days ago I was getting dinner at one of the small shops in Technopolis' starport (Jurj's Spike & Grill, one of the best dives in town), and had to share a table with a Selkath fellow named Shiv Ryen. He's been lurking around the starport for a few days after a falling out with his last captain, and hasn't had much luck finding a new crew to join. I've needed someone to help out with the Narner II for a while, so he got a jump up on his resume from midshipman to co-pilot!

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