Year 8, Day 199
hyperspace / Glythe sector
I'm on my way to Vinsoth to deliver a pilot to his ship, and hopefully get the Logistics department revitalized after the disruption of the recent CIS testing. After that, I've got a tip about some A-24's I can pick up pretty much for nothing. The profits from reselling them would probably pay off the remainder of the balance on my W-23... which I have recently been informed is in the shipyard now! Almost time to start looking for a freelance pilot to help me out with Harbright Station.
Now for a weird story.
Recently I took a couple of days R&R on a backwater planet, far away from business and paperwork. While there, I heard some local rumours about a splinter sect of The Way that had recently opened what they called the Museum of Creation. Intrigued by the notion that a religious cult had somehow delved into the mysteries of the moments after the birch of the Galaxy, I decided to have a look.
I booked a seat on an overloaded ground transport that would take me from the relative swankiness of the capital city to the absolute-middle-of-nowhere. I think the name of the place, translated into standard Galactic, was something like "The Mountain of Rock in a Land of Blood and Darkness". Charming, no?
When I got to the museum, I discovered it had essentially nothing to do with actual knowledge or understanding; rather, it was an extrapolation of some of the most extreme and atavistic doctrines of The Way, interpreted as if they had the same validity as laboratory data. That is, their Creator made the Galaxy (as they've always claimed), but here are some myths dressed up as science to make you think it's true.
They claim that all sentients, the "children of the Creator", have existed since the Galaxy was moments old, despite the fact that the early universe was hot, tight, and toxic to anything resembling life. Although scientists from a hundred planets have found overwhelming evidence supporting the standard theory of the beginning, these Creationists insist sentients are the entire point of creation, and that we've been around in pretty much exactly our current forms since the first photon sparked to life. They even had the unmitigated gall to depict people of various races dancing and playing with quarklets and subnutrinos! There's absolutely no way such a thing could happen! But it's plastered all over their advertisements, just to lure children into this nonsense.
All in all, it was depressing, unilluminating, and a waste of time and money. I learned nothing, except that there are more than enough suckers out there.